What does ‘finding your calling‘ mean? We place so much emphasis on the word “calling” that it seems big, and heavy and almost scary. Read on, and I’ll help you have the courage to find your calling.
Your Calling Doesn’t Have To Be Scary
I’ve talked to a lot of people about their “calling”, and I too, have struggled with the reality that I have been, or will be “called”. I’ve heard people say that a calling is: Your Life’s Work. Your Life’s Purpose. The Reason You Were Born.
Wow, now those are some big and heavy ideas!
But there’s hope for us, your calling is much easier to find. Here’s what I’ve learned.
A calling is a gift that you have, that you’re prompted to use, for someone else’s benefit.
A calling is something you give to, or do for, someone else.
(If you want to know more about gifts, read my post You Were Born With A Gift, Find It)
Now, that’s no so intimidating, right?
Your Calling Is Different Than You Think
But here’s something important that you should know:
Your calling is not about you.
I know, the voices in this world are telling you that everything is about you. That your calling is all about your own satisfaction, your own happiness, your own wants and your own desires.
But that’s not true.
Believe me, you have much more value to the world than you think.
You are here for a reason.
You were made special, for particular moments in time, when only you can give something back to the world. When only you, through your own experiences and gifts, can:
- Speak into someone’s pain.
- Help someone in need.
- Offer a word of encouragement.
- Contribute your expertise.
- Defend the weak.
- Comfort the sick.
- Speak-up for the oppressed.
- Counsel a stranger.
- Give of your finances.
And the list goes on…
Your calling is about offering what you have, what you know, and what you’ve experienced, at those moments in time when only you can give something of value to someone else.
Callings are about service, not selfishness.
So if you’re worried that you’ll miss your calling because you blinked, don’t worry, callings happen throughout your life.
Callings happen in the small moments, and in the big ones too. Callings can require a tiny effort, and they can require a gigantic commitment.
Callings can include moving across a room to put your arm around a friend whose marriage is falling apart, or they can include moving across the world to join the Peace Corps.
Callings are about making yourself available, even though you may have doubts or fears. I’m reminded of Moses, when he sees a bush engulfed in flames, and hears his name called from the midst of the fire. Despite his fear, Moses respoonds:
“Here I am.” Ex 3:4 NLTse
In the same way, only you were made for specific and decisive moments, when you can hear, and choose to answer the call to offer some hope to the world.
One day, we may all have the opportunity to look back at our lives and see the patchwork of callings, that we heard and stepped towards, and those that we ignored.
For my own peace of mind, I hope that I can get better at hearing and seeing and responding to those special moments that only I was created for.
Be Wise and Successful…
1. Know WHEN You’re Being Called. Identify the flashing signs that are getting you ready for a calling by reading this post. Recognize that you must be open to hearing your calling, before the seeds of a calling can took root.
2. Ask yourself, “what’s on my mind, what’s on my heart”? Do you feel a prompting to move, to take action, to give hope to someone or to something by giving your time and/or your talents? Take 10 minutes and scribble down what pops into your mind. Don’t hold back, write everything down.
3. Envision the benifits you’ll receive from your calling. By acting on your calling you will be more fulfilled, happier, using your skills and gifts, learning something new, and experiencing something different and life giving.
Do you want to live a happier, more successful life? I’m Greg, that’s my passion, and that’s what I explore on my blog. Read More…