3 Steps to Thrive During the Coronavirus Shutdown

The Coronavirus has disrupted, derailed, and destroyed our way of life; at least for the short-run.  Knowing that I can grow from this crisis is what keeps me moving forward.  Whether it’s the Coronavirus, a recession, a health issue or <insert your problem here>, you, too, can find a way to thrive during adversity.  So, my question to you is, “How are you growing from the Coronavirus crisis?”

Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

Coronavirus = crisis = fear

We call them crises for a reason – they’re unpredictable and we’re unprepared.

In a crisis our primal instinct kicks-in.  Survival mode takes over.  We wait anxiously for the next unseen danger to pounce.

In times of disaster, which this certainly is, our mind enters self-preservation mode.  Since it has no information on which to base its future, it waits for new inputs, and you find yourself stuck.  Fearful.

 Believe me, I battle fear too.  My business has been rocked by the collapse in the real estate capital markets.  My clients’ companies are at risk.  Capital, jobs, futures, and dreams are all in jeopardy.

On a client call this past week, we discussed equity investors pulling out of deals, lenders reneging on commitments and cities closing construction sites.  It was easy to feel discouraged, but I chose not to be.  I directed my mind otherwise.

Don’t just survive, take steps to thrive

You see, I’ve watched this movie before.  I not only survived but gained life-changing experience through the real estate crash in the late 1980s; the dot.com blow-up in 1998; the 2002 recession; and the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.

As I’ve mentioned before, I walked the plank and started my own company during the Great Financial Crisis.  I saw a need, applied what I learned during all the previous booms and busts and chased my dream.  Now, ten years later, I’m thankful every day that I took the risk and accepted the challenge.

For young people, the experience of enduring their first global crises is scary, and that is understandable.  For a lot of adults, it’s downright terrifying.  But the reality is, this crisis won’t last.  It too, will pass.

Winston Churchill was rumored to say:

“When you’re going through hell, keep on going.”

I agree.  But, I add, “keep on going to something bigger and better. “

Don’t just survive this crisis, thrive in it.

Purposefully engage your mind on thoughts that are true and right and inspiring.  (Read about how to do this in Beat the Fear of Coronavirus: Do These 13 Things).  View the crisis as purposeful and use the crisis to expand your horizons.

Let’s face it, we all have a little extra time.

Use this time to do something you always wanted to do.  To chase a dream.

Rick Warren recently told a story about meeting a man who worked in a saw mill, who lost his job during an economic downturn.  The man mortgaged his home, chased his dream and became a builder of hotels.  The man’s name was Wallace Johnson, and he co-founded what is now known as Holiday Inn, one of the world’s largest hotel chains.

My friends, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. James 1:2-3 (GNT)

These stories of resilience and success exist throughout time.  The world has been changed and made better by thinkers, entrepreneurs, creatives, and activists who use change and disruption to their advantage.

Find purpose in this crisis.  The world needs what you can offer.  The world needs people who will use their God given gifts to think big and to not play small.

It’s easy to be distracted and consumed by the crisis.  We just don’t know what the future holds, it’s new to all of us.  But you owe it to yourself to find purpose in what’s going on around you.

Do something different.  Do something new.  Do something more.  Don’t just choose to be an anxious survivor.  Choose to thrive instead.

Be Wise & Successful…

1. Reflect on your cracks.  Take 10 minutes and write down your concerns.  What are you feeling stressed about?  Acknowledge your worries and accept that it’s natural to feel this way.

2. Revel in the opportunity.  Take 10 minutes and think about how to grow the health of your mind, body and spirit.  List two to three things you can do in each area.  Be excited about how these actions are going to make you a stronger and more resilient person.

3. Refocus on a purpose.  Take 10 minutes and think about one big thing you want to do.  Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn?  Is there a creative endeavor you’ve always wanted to pursue?  Is there a dream you’ve always wanted to chase?  Write down the next 3 steps you need to take to help you achieve that purpose and get start.

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